Topic: Independence Day Event(May 12 ,2016).
Date: May 12, 2016
Time: 19:00: Networking and toast.
19:30: Zohar Dromi presenting “Countering Invisible Threats to Israel and across the Globe – Thinking outside of the tunnel” (presentation in English)
20:30: Rhythmic performance by Junkyard Beats and Independence Day party with DJ Sincopa.
Location: AACTA BAR, Bondi Junction.
Dear friends,
I am honoured to invite you to the Israel Business Club Sydney’s special Independence Day event (May 12, 2016), featuring guest speaker: Mr. Zohar Dromi.
Operation “TZUK EITAN “confronted the Israeli society with the risk implied by the existence of underground tunnels leading from Gaza to Israel.
Israeli citizens living in proximity to the Gaza Strip as well as Israelis residing in the Upper Galilee have been complaining for years that they are hearing sounds indicating that excavation works are taking place under their homes. Residents have also been complaining that the government is not informing them of the threats and is not doing enough to stop it. Was Israel aware of these tunnels? Was Israel able to prevent the excavation from taking place? Can these threats be prevented in the future? And how does Iran and ISIS relate to all of that? This is a very intriguing lecture intertwined with first hand intelligence and operational stories.
Mr Zohar Dromi has over 20 years’ experience gathering information for security and intelligence services both in government and the private sector. During his last position as an operational intelligence officer in the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, Mr Dromi was deeply involved in setting up a departmental branch that handled the collection of information targeting tunnels and underground infrastructures in countries of interest, a role which earned him a citation.
Tickets: 50$ per person or 80$ for 2 tickets. .
Contact: office@ibc-sydney.org